You might be working from home and attending virtual happy hours these days, but that doesn't mean you can't add some Puerto Rican flavor to your daily routine.
Host a meeting with a beautiful beach behind you, sip rum "live" from a 16th-century fort, or talk to your family with a beautiful waterfall from El Yunque in the background. Keep scrolling to find the custom Zoom background that's right for your next virtual gathering. Stay safe and we'll see you soon.
Once you've found your favorite, here's what you need to do:
- Right click + Save As on the "Download" link
- Open Zoom
- Go to Preferences, and then select "Virtual Background" (if you want to use a video, make sure you've updated to the latest version of Zoom)
Or, from Zoom's web portal, you can set it as a Room Background:
- Sign in to Zoom
- Select Room Management, then Zoom Rooms
- Click Account settings at the top of the page, then go to the Account Profile tab
- Under Background Image for Zoom Rooms, select Upload new image. Be sure to disable the "Mirror my video" feature.
El Morro
Puerto Rico Convention Center
El Yunque Rainforest
Dorado Beach
Mar Chiquita
Beach Swing
Raíces Fountain, Paseo de la Princesa
Relaxing at the Beach
View of the palms
Bioluminescent Bay
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