Find out if you are a sexy piña colada or a refreshed mojito!
Pick a fruit
How do you like your cocktail?
Where would we find you on vacation?
Pick a food
Where would you stay?
Your playlist includes…
When on vacation, where would you go first?
Piña Colada
Silk, sexy, and exotic… you are a piña colada! Whether you relax by the beach or lounge by the pool, you want to feel the authenticity the heart and soul of the Caribbean has to offer. Just like the national drink, you are ready to enchant and soak in the tropical Island experience.
Relaxed and refreshed, just like a mojito. You are all about the lavish vacation and treating yourself while in paradise! You do you; unbothered and classic!
Rum Punch
Vibrant and flavorful, you are fun like a rum punch! Taking in all the tropical vibes and embracing the lively culture of Puerto Rico is what you are all about.
Old Fashioned
Serious, intense, but still fun, you are an old-fashioned! You like to enjoy the good things in life but at your pace. Unwinding and disconnecting seems ideal for a vacation, and nothing says that more than the great outdoors in Paradise!
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