Our goal is to bring this experience directly to the consumer. Now everyone can experience what was once only a dream. We are the only Jetpack rental in P.R. offering the most thrilling hydro flight experiences on the beach where you can fly up to 30 ft above the water. We also provide Jetski rentals.
We are registered with the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico.
How it Works
A Jetblade rider stands on a board connected by a long hose to our watercraft. Water is forced under pressure to a pair of boots with jet nozzles underneath which provide thrust for the rider to fly above water or to dive headlong through the water.
An X-Jetpack rider is sitting down. The system uses the power of the watercraft engine to pump the water and supply enough pressure to lift the jetpack and rider into the air.
Our flights require two people to operate. Our certified instructors on the jet ski controlling the throttle and the power of the water and the second person, the Jetpack rider or Jetblade rider controlling the direction and angle of the flight.
Nearly everyone is flying in the first five minutes. It’s safe and fun.
Hydroflights have taken sports to a whole new level and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce and promote this exciting extreme water sport to our hometown of Rincon, Puerto Rico.