Strategic marketing drives tourism growth in 2024
According to the latest local industry reports, Puerto Rico’s lodging industry experienced another record year in 2024. Early estimates from the Puerto Rico Tourism Company account for
$142.5 million in room tax collections during the calendar year, a year-over-year increase of 5% and 87% more than the pre-pandemic era.
Hotels without casinos contributed the largest share of taxes, amounting to 42% or $59.3 million. In contrast, hotels with casinos, which are taxed at 11%, account for 27% of the total taxes collected, or $38.5 million.
Lodging platforms that house booking tools, such as Airbnb and VRBO, increased their overall room tax share from 22% to 23% of the total, reaching $33.2 Million.
Since the inception of Discover Puerto Rico, room tax collections have nearly doubled. The industry continues to thrive due to strategic marketing efforts, an expanding local rental market, a surge in post-pandemic travel, and healthy hotel rate growth heading into 2025.