
In the markets where Puerto Rico is promoted as a tourist destination, familiarity, positive perception, and the likelihood of visiting the archipelago have improved between 2018 and 2024. Each of these metrics, which measure the health of a destination’s brand, grew by 10 percentage points or more. 

This improvement creates opportunities for every tourism business engaged in marketing efforts outside of Puerto Rico. Through our promotions, we keep Puerto Rico fresh in travelers' minds and inspire reasons to visit. These efforts target an audience that already has, at minimum, a general understanding of what Puerto Rico offers tourists. Many may have also seen content on social media highlighting visits to the Island. 

If you're unsure which audience to target in your international promotions, we provide some criteria to help you align your efforts with the population our promotions impact.  

  • Around 90% of travelers arriving in Puerto Rico come from cities in the Midwest, East, and South of the U.S., or English-speaking countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom. 
    •  Additional markets targeted by Discover Puerto Rico include Spain and Colombia.  
    • Exploratory promotions are being conducted in Brazil, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, and Germany.   
  • The inclusion of new markets largely depends on factors such as direct air access to Puerto Rico, visa requirements, and market research findings.  
  • The average household income of visitors to Puerto Rico exceeds $100,000 annually.   
  • On average, accommodations are booked between 30 and 90 days in advance.
  • Recent Trends:  
    • Hotels: The supply is growing slightly, while demand remains similar to previous years. Rates are comparable to those charged a year ago. 
    • Short-term rentals: The supply is expanding rapidly, and demand is growing as well, though at a slower pace than last year. Rates have declined slightly in the second half of 2024.  
  • The industry is expected to continue growing, albeit at a slower pace than in recent years.  


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